Wednesday, May 2, 2012

I swear I'm a mad man

“I swear to God I’m a madman,” is a quote that stuck out to me in chapters 16-18 because he admits that he's wrong and crazy and that his thoughts really are ridiculous. Thats not because holden is weird but because he doesn't wanna conform to society. But I can't hold that against home because if he knows he's crazy he can at least no act like it anymore but he continues and that shows that he's not afraid to be true to himself. We also see he's crazy when he's talking to Sally about going away and living in a cabin, and although he could of just got up and did that one day he didn't because he's need to find someone to take and see his thoughts the same way as him. He's sad though when she turns him down not breaches she denied him but she pretty much said that his thoughts are ridiculously stupid.


  1. I think by saying he's a madman he is admitting he is confused and doesn't really know what direction to go in next. Maybe that is why he suddenly had the seemingly ridiculous idea of moving out to the woods. He does seem to be searching for someone to share his thoughts and ideas. He does seem to run out of a lot of people. He and his sister are so close because they both can see through all these facades people put up. I'm hoping Jane comes in later in the story and she is the person he has been looking for!

  2. I don't know if he is admitting he's crazy, I think he is just saying he is confused. I think he just doesn't know what to do with his life, and he believes that it is making him unable to think straight. He says he's a madman, not because he is crazy, but because he is mad at himself, I think he's just using the phrase because he doesn't know how else to put it into words. It is evident though that he probably is lost, because of what you said, he wants to run away with Sally, and no one in their right mind just does that split second.

  3. I think he called himself a mad man because he jumped in to something to fast and realized that he did. He stepped back for a second and realized what he was doing. He realized Sally was fake and shared his ideas and his ideas got shot down. I think Holden doesn't know how to live when he is surrounded by phonies.

  4. nice comment. I agree that that he is not afraid to be his true self.

  5. Yeah I can see where your coming from now, maybe he did call himself a mad man because he has allowed himself to continue with the life he doesn't like and he's mad at himself.
