Tuesday, May 8, 2012

The Catcher in the Rye

I think that Holden wants to be a Catcher in the rye because he sees how society is and he wants to stop it, it's more then saving the children and making sure they don't end up like Allie, its the fact that he doesn't want them to conform to society and the ways it's running, and I think the message he's trying to get across is that the children are our future and that we can't just let them fall of off the cliff and become phony like all he other people he came across while in the real world. The children he's trying to save aren't just young children they are like high schoolers, he saw that high school is all phony and that when we graduate we don't know what the world is like, I mean look at Holden when he went to the real world he didn't know what to do, he didn't know how to react to all the events that occurred. So if someone not like Holden went out there they would be like everyone else because they don't know who they are themselves.

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